Diamond Alternatives: Finding the Right Stone

If diamonds aren’t your best friend, there are plenty of stunning alternatives. White sapphires, moissanites, and cubic zirconia are some of the most common options, each with its own unique qualities.

At Víya, we don’t typically work with moissanites or cubic zirconia, but we know they’re popular choices. Moissanites are lab-created stones that closely resemble diamonds in durability, though their sparkle tends to reflect more fiery orange and red tones. Cubic zirconia, on the other hand, is another synthetic stone but lacks the durability of diamonds and moissanites, making it a less ideal choice for long-term wear.

With advancements in technology, lab-created diamonds have largely replaced moissanites and cubic zirconia as the go-to alternative, offering the same brilliance and durability as natural diamonds. If you're curious about how they compare, we wrote a blog breaking down the key differences between natural and lab-grown diamonds—["Natural vs Lab-Grown Diamonds" ].

But one option that has stood the test of time is white sapphire (shown to the right).

White sapphires continue to be a sought-after alternative to both natural and lab-grown diamonds. Ranking just below diamonds at 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness, they offer exceptional durability and are perfect for everyday wear. They tend to be more affordable and give off a softer, more understated brilliance. In fact, over 98% of sapphires are treated to enhance their natural beauty, making them a timeless and elegant choice.

When a client recently came to us looking for a diamond alternative, we introduced them to a range of options—moissanites, white sapphires, and cubic zirconia. Initially, they were drawn to sapphires, appreciating their subtle elegance and durability. But after seeing them in person, they realized they didn’t sparkle quite the way they had hoped. Now, they’ve asked us to source lab-grown diamonds instead. 
At the end of the day, choosing a stone is a deeply personal decision, and sometimes what you think you want changes once you see it in person. That’s okay. That’s what we’re here for—to make sure your ring is perfect in every way, whether that means a natural diamond, a lab-grown alternative, or something entirely different.